Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This Land We Live On.

This land we live on, is not just dirt,a plot of land.it is part of my soul. My family's blood,sweat,and tears went into this land..
I have walked every step of this land,in Fall,Winter,Spring and Summer, I have watched it turn a crimsom of colors at the beginning of autumn,to the cold bare winters snow,the spingtime wildflowers in the meadows to summers bounty.
I love this land with all my heart,to feel the warm soil beneath my feet,this land anchors me...

Haze on the mountains

Up early this morning,you can tell it is going to be a scorcher, the haze on White Oak Min, is heavy,floating up from the tree tops,Smokey Mountains..the owls are hooting,the creatures up and eating morning breakfast.

Sitting here on the porch,the fountain in the pool tinkling,
My day begans...
A pot turned on its side drenched in morning sun.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day in the sun~

Whew,it is hot~
LaMarr, worked on landscaping on both sides of the cabana,looks great.his big paws can do twice the work as mine.
We plan to add river stones around the back of the Crape Myrtles,add mulch...make it maintaince free, free up our lives in the summer..
Over the years we seem to have added to many shrubs.grasses,makes it hard to maintain a neat look.

I have a poision ivy break out and it hurts..the cool pool helps,with ointment.Nasty stuff..
Invited to Krtisty's for a cookout.we are just to tired,the trip is so long would be midnight before we arrived home~

Hubby taped the races so he can watch ad free...poor thing he wants to watch so bad....I can not sit an watch TV..boring..a time waster!

Dinner will be a fresh garden salad,baked a sour dough bread in the bread maker.umm smells so good. A Bear Creek potato soup..that stuff is good.
White Iris's in bloom..

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday and Tired

Wow what a day...7 am seems like a long time ago,the morning went well,back from our bike ride..(5 mile trip)..early church service,home for brunch.a potatoe casserole prepared Sat.toast,tomatoes..
out on the deck,breather sigh!..hubby and I made a trip to the feed store for mulch..
have the complete back of the house cleared of all grasses and periwinkle,added tiger lilies in 6 colors a pretty bench..a water globe for the birds,,and a windchime..so pretty..It looks so neat..plenty of sun today..toasted a golden bronze..
Took a breather to chat with Kristy and Roy..she picked up her china cabinet..and a few dishes.
Just happened to find her some charger plates in green of course.
Nice visit with my baby girl..she is tanned and so trim..keeps in shape..smile~
Evening (sigh)

Sunsetting..hubby and I had a quiet dinner on the porch,then we went for our evening walk..the bunnies are plentiful this year..so sweet.LaMarr had to rescue a baby.mommie ran off and left it..she will be back..quiet evening the cows mooing,
the sun a reddish orange..nothing like a couintry night..

LaMarr, lit the torches..the pool warm..love a night swim..we try and find the milky way..big dipper.. the stars twinkling..nights in the country are heaven..Tennessee I love you..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Early Morning

Up at 5 am. for a trip over the mountain to Hammers,in south pittsburg, I love this old store, old plank flooring,as you walk it creaks with each step.
vintage cash register, I am sure it is updated,family owned for many years.
Found some pretty flour sacks..for my kitchen,great old sacks for cleaning..

The town is small and quaint.has not  changed much in 30 years....Gorgeous ride over Lookout mountain..the tennessee river flowing,

the delta queen making her way up the river for her last trip..then she will be a fixture as a hotel and gift shop,I am happy to see that the old steamboat will be saved..

Hubby worked in the pool area for 3 hours..wow he made progress..looks so neat...went to the market for steaks and fresh tomatoes..friends will join us for dinner..hubby can grill a steak to melt in your mouth..med. rare please..I plan to roast corn on the cob..make a kabob of fruit..canalope,grapes,kiwi fruit..yum..
Have to work these calories off ..quick trip to the bike store..LaMarr needs a new tire..
Ready for the bike rally at 7 am sunday.
Good cause..(Shriners)..good friends..watermelon on ice..what more could you want..smile~

Friday, May 27, 2011

Smoke on the mountains

From my upstairs bedroom window,it seems I can see forever..
I love the windows that go all the way to the floor,,gives you such a beautiful view of the mountains and the landscape.watch nature without interrurpting them,,

 Sitting here thinking..my mind wanders back to the old farm,,Mary and I used to love weekends and summertimes..
We could go to the farm.Uncle Ed and Aunt Hazel never had any children,,they gave so much love to us..
We would ride on that big old tractor...go to feed stores where the barrels were filled with seeds..flours,feed..wonderful smells..little ducks and yellow chickens in fenced cages. for sale.
Feed stores are wonderful places to explore..

Uncle Ed owned a big farm w/chickens,corn fields..you could walk forever on that farm.I love the land..beleive if you own land thats all you need,

Mary and I spent many summers on that farm..day dreaming amid the wild violets..she could make a friendship braclet so pretty from those violets..I never could make one stay together..but  marys would stay  forever.. I wish I had kept just one of those braclets..
we would sit for hours by the creek..have lunch..sleep,,explore.while uncle Ed.worked..

My sis Angie..is always asking me.."How do you stay on that tractor so much" all you do is mow..well I love to mow..the mind can wander..breathe in good country air..God's sunshine..pure sweet vitaimins..

I don't beleive I will ever see mary again..she lives in north carolina..and is home bound.too many years of smoking,I could never understand why she decided to smoke..such a nasty habit..
But now she has copd..no longer able to work in her garden,,or shop..sad,
Knowing she will be creamated upon her death...hard to think about.

Tuesday we had a cow to get run over..a pickup hit her on the road..the fence needs to be repaired..broke both her back legs..we all know where she goes now..
The truck never stopped..sad that someone would run over an animal..and not stop..

The cats are all curled up in balls..warm and snuggly..getting older they are all sisters except for maudie...16 years old..do not even want to think someday I will lose them,,they are my babies...

Lunch today was plain old good..wild rice soup and blackberry tea..wish you were here smile~~

"Memories".my life is like a window pane..I have come full circle my life is content~~ Tea~

rainy day~

Thunder claps..smoke rising, raining so hard you cannot see the mountains..days like this are the best, today requires a warm soup...a cup of blackberry tea..ummm,so good to be home~
The cats are all curled up in balls in their favorite places,maudie on my bed w/her blankie, she is getting older,likes to sleep a lot..pepper in the day room,on her afghan,Rags by the bowls in the kitchen,waiting on lunch..as usual..Willie is hid somewhere..

I need to go to feed/and seed ,pick up feed/corn for the birds and squirells have to wait till tomorrow, I can tell they are hungry when they come to the porch ..

A little upset yesterday,..a cow was hit by a pickup,broke her back legs,was very to watch,so I went in..hubby said he petted her while they were loading her..we all know where she will go.."Don't" even want to think about it.

On to a better thought,the hay will be cut next week so the rabbits better get the babies and run..
I love fresh cut hay,the smell takes me back to my aunt and uncles farm,,Uncle Ed would ride Mary and I on a big tractor.(why I love a tractor today)
we loved to ride with  him,,boy we had fun..we would go for miles to plant corn..while he was working,Mary and I would explore.we had this wonderful creek we lay and daydream,wild violets cushioned where we lay.
the creek was gurgling..we made friendship braclets with the wild violets.Mary was really good at it..she could plait those violets perfect.I never could get the hang of it..my mind was on other things..

I miss Mary..she lives in north carolina,and cannot visit anymore.smoking ruined her lungs..she has copd.shame to ever put those things in your mouth.
I will never see her again."I don't beleive" makes me want to cry.thinking I will never see my sister again~
bothe her hubby and she will be creamated.. and her time here on earth is limited to home only..
 As I sit here watching the rain,,I think of that old farm and the memories abound.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The joys of home~

Storming today,so I decided to stay home..give myself a "me" day.

Soaked in the tub/lavendar mint soaks..
Pj;s and socks.hubby better want to stay home tonight.
Pot of chili simmering,ummm,lots of fresh tomatoes and cheese,with llittle drollops of sour cream,

Sat out on my upper porch,curled up in the papajohn with a quilt,chatted with friends on the net in IM.

Storming w/ lots of thunder. rain dripping off the roofs overhang.
makes me sleepy,yawn~

Monday, May 23, 2011

"My Home Tennessee"

I do not know of another state-
Where I would rather be
" Than this great state I'm living in-
And that is Tennessee.

I love the stars dearly-
And there are surely three
That show the Grand Division-
Of my home-land, Tennessee.

Where could you find a meadow-
With grass so vividly green?
Where could you find the mountains-
With such majestic scene?
You will never find so bright a moon-
To shine down from above

You will also see the robin-
The wren, and the turtle dove.
And don't forget the rivers-
Where visitors long to stay.
And many have voice in parting,-
'I'm sure glad I passed this way.'

You will see the cattle grazing-
Beside a cotton field;
And there's the Grand Ole Opry-
And a feeling it's all God's will.

I have lived here all my life-
It's where I'm going to be
Although I've traveled quite a bit,-
I'll still take Tennessee!

Oh, I sure love the state I'm in:
"The great state of Tennessee!"

Written by Vivian Rorie

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day spent with Kristy and Roy

Beautiful Mother's day spent at my daughters home...Kristy, prepared dinner for hubby and I.
The food  was wonderful,just being able to sit outside  and talk with family is good..
Kris gave me a great ideal ..a nice dessert ..no calories smile.

Fruit Kabobs...Strawberries,grapes,melons --yum so good...
The  country atmosphere,their nice cozy home,
The day was just perfect.

 Tigs her kitty had to crawl down in my bag of goodies chewed on my rose..such a sweet kitty...
I love you sweeetheart...thank you for "just you" Love Mom