Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas at my home~

This year has seen many changes in our lives,
LaMarr's mother passed away,it will be the 1st.Christmas
without his mother,
I plan on using her Christmas china,and add memories of
happy times about the house.
Our memories are something we will always cherish.

In my thoughts will be my Dad,my grandson who died of sids,(Jeremy)
and brother,(Mickey) who died in a tragic motorcycle wreck,
as always, I add white doves on my mantle for each one that is
not here to celebrate with us~

We have a new baby on the way-Jason my grandson is
expecting his 3rd child.
A boy-Conner Jason.
Josh had a new baby this year,Wyett,he is a little ball of
baby fat,all smiles and so cute.
The kitchen is the heart of the home,
this year I am taking a breather,letting my daughters
(Kristy) and (Brenda) do most of the preparing dinner. (I Hope) smile~

Their has been some rough times for some of the family members,
But we all hold strong ,and somehow we make it over the hurdles.

Today it is brisk,weather forecast snow flurries for Christmas day.
I would love to have a white Christmas,
We are having our family Christmas
at my home this year,the family is growing each year,
expecting 32 to 36 family members,looking forward to
the family gathering.
Merry Christmas-Happy Holidays to all~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Home for Christmas~

Christmas is such a nice time to spend with family,
I have the house all decorated-cinnamon candles burning,the tree all aglow,
The porches are festive with homemade wreaths,baskets of winter berries,
the wood all stacked and ready for a warm fire in the fireplace.
My winter berry baskets are created from greenery on our property.
I love home made~


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday spent with Ben my daughter~

The Last of the Gift wrapping-We Hope..
The living room is a disaster,Ben and I decided to just
add everything in the floor,sit down and wrap.
I am getting to old for the sitting in the floor wrapping, smile~
We had a great day-Christmas music playing,
hot blackberry tea,
adding our collected treasures to the ladies bags,
that is the fun of
Christmas,wrapping the tissue around the gift,
while smiling and hoping I get one of these. smile~
Ben loves hair bows,makeup and earrings,
and they are always vintage looking.
The joy of having 2 very different daughters is
watching each one
on their level.
It's a joy  to see the women my daughters have grown to be~
Love Mom~

Day with my daughter Kristy

A Great day spent with my daughter Kristy,
We decided to just stop where the car took us~smile~

Target was first on the stop~
Found the cutiest gloves with the fingers exposed-but had the little pull over to complete the glove buttoned back with a pearl button.

Anything with a pearl button I will grab smile~~
another great find old fashion cotton twilled socks that are mid thigh.
A woolen scarf (Hat)that has the ties under the neck with fuzzy balls,it looks like it was made for the old days. We both had to have one~
We then went to Tractor and Supply,a farm store-
We were trying to find a pink John Deere t-shirt for my niece.
Did not find one,but we however found  prezel bites filled with peanut butter.yum yum.
Old fashion container like the old candy store days~

I had to run back in the store,
while in there some farmer (By the way I love old farmers,
they are the salt of the earth)-walked by her suv and said.
Well honey this beats it all.
A mercedes with a Harley Davidson sticker over the back window,

a pretty blonde-"Can I use you as a screen saver"?
Can you just see a old farmer using a computer-much less   saying that? smile
Was a great laugh for us~

Then to cracker Barrel, they had the fireplace roaring it was so toasty.
There is no way you can walk out of cracker Barrel without shopping.
Kristy and I both love sock monkeys,we found a sock monkey
jack in the box.
That monkey is so cute,
big red lips,red string hair sticking straight up.
She had to have it for her grandbabies,
Kristy, I had a wonderful day spent with you-I always do.
Thank you for the Gingerbread cake--it is almost gone---
Got to have that recipes-

Love you~ Mom~

Monday, November 29, 2010

"Vintage Purse"

A beaded vintage purse I found in a quaint resale shoppe.

"Owl Hollow"

Winter is on the way~
The smoke on the mountains is telling a story of bygone years,
haunted hills,shivering trees the air cold and crisp.
The wood smoke  of fireplaces fills the night,reminds one that
cold days are ahead.