Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rose Tattered Apron

Shabby Chic Apron~~ good old rainy days, sewing today, working on a apron for one of my daughters, almost finished..A birhday gift~ for Krissy~ A closeup of the vintage rags I am adding~
The white cotton ruffled skirting I used a 50 cent skirt I found at the resale shop. cut it in half, still have enough for another project,the fabric is a polished rose fabric, just beautiful~ wish I had purchased more, That was 10 years I am sure they don't sell it anymore~
I cut a dollie in half to add to the waste band..the ruffled white section is a shabby piece from an old entertwined in the fabric.
added a coordinating ruffle at the botton of the skirting~a piece of crochet for the shabby look.added a little thin satin ribbon
added a pink gingham as a band and ties
lined the back of the apron panel with soft cotton fabric, maybe add a few vintage buttons..Rose Tattered Apron~smile~~

Monday, May 21, 2012

Vintage Victorian Wallpaper Oh My~~

Vintage Victorian Wallpaper, I found on a "Junkin" trip. On the way to my sisters house I saw this little quaint shoppe, to me "Quaint" means "that looks interesting~ I pass it up go on to Angie's house, all the time "Thinking" you never know what that little shoppe may hold~ I almost passed it up,No, I have to stop..The little doorway to this shoppe was so pretty..Nothing Fancy~ An old while shabby trellis with morning glorys..midnight blue morning glorys.. Walked inside the crevices were stuffed with wonderful finds. Today was my day~ The most beautiful vintage wallpaper I have ever seem. 4 unopened rolls still in the packages.
Victorian lady,hat,lace,rose,pearls I am in heaven~
I can imagine all kinds of projects..Paris inked on the paper Oh Yes~
little quiant cards to hold trims
the lace just pops on the wallpaper.
lay out the paper and a few trims..and I sit and ponder "This will be a project I will enjoy creating~
add a little shabby..a bit of lace a few buttons
well this hasn't a thing to do with the paper...just something I have been playing around wit. a vinatge pocket to hold my carded trims...Life Is Good~~smile~

Sunday, May 20, 2012

1912 Old Dessert Cookbook Attic Treasure~

While looking in the attic this morning..(trying to find and old wallpaper book) more on that story later smile~~Well anyway I found a box of vintage books LaMarr's granny had stored for years~
The book is frayed with age, "Desserts~ well this looks interesting,,sat down in the dusty attic floor..and opened this treasure..inscribed in the delicate old script many people had back then..Mrs. Charles Mayor Billeville Ill.
When I find something old. I always wonder about the person that owned the many hands held this book and prepared desserts from inside the pages.
1912 100 years old...I can imagine the history this old book could tell us~ Maid of Honor
recipe for sponge cake,, reads "Let it sit by the side of the fire..Lordy, a woman had it hard back then. carrying water from the well. old wood cook stoves.. What would we do today, "IF" our life was turned back in time~~Could we adjust to the hardships~I can say for myself.. "I would not even want to try~~~I found the wallpaper book..But my heart skips a beat when I find "History~~ Love old things with all my heart~~smile~

Friday, May 18, 2012

Dinner on the Ground~~Nora Mills Gristmill~

While cleaning my kitchen this morning
I had plans to reorganize, clean out some clutter, Don't you just love it when you run across something that jogs the memory~Nora Mills Grist Mill sits alongside the Chattahoochee River in the foothills of the North Georgia Mountains just a beautiful place,,
big warm pots filled with maple buttered grits just waitng for customers to sample~ LaMarr and I 1st. ran across the mill in the early 80's -at that time it was ran by a sweet little man, he would sit out on the porch watching the water gently rippling along the gristmill, he would tell us stories how the mill began~ Over the years we returned to visit Nora Mills ~~It lost a lot of its appeal when we visited and our ~friend~ was not sitting on the porch waiting for someone to tell his story too~~ It was like an old rocker sitting on the porch..all alone. the person it held will never sit there again and wave as you pass. You get used to these things in life, and feel you know the person sitting waving~ yet you never have spoke.. it leaves a hollow place in your heart~
some of the wooden dough rollers i found at Nora Mills
History Nora Mill Granary, Inc. Est. 1876

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

BLT Pie~~

This BLT Pie is so good, Taste just like a BLT Sandwich~~Recipe can be found here in my kitchen, and many more home cooking recipes,,Tennessee Cooking

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Junkin Find Wedding Dress~ A Treasure~

There is something about :Junkin~ when your eyes gazes upon a treasure, your heart beats fast,you get so excited you feel faint~ Yes, I do all these things~smile~ My beautiful 50 cent lace treasure
The dress was a little bit of a mess,when I seen her, stained at the hem~
She was a "beauty~ I could see it as a lace umbrella I am working on for my porch~
After a warn gentle bath..I sat her on a dressmaker on the porch to dry~ The dress took on a ~Life~ of it's on~ Who wore this "Homemade Treasure~ on her wedding day? Who could just "Give it away~ Why not find a "Place for this memory~,
Well I am so glad I found this Treasure...No I will not destroy her beauty into a lace umbrella,.She has a new slip to add fullness to her lace skirt...roses to enhance her beauty, vintage pearls jewerly adorns her neckline...and a "Place in my home~
My 50 cent~~ Treasure~~ smile~

Rose Petals~

The roses are in full bloom, scenting the air~
The honey suckle is growing wild this year, keeping it cut back is a never ending chore~
Filling the baskets with rose petals to dry for sachets