Sunday, September 23, 2012

Breakfast Loaf Featured in Gooseberry's ~ The Christmas Table~

This breakfast loaf is perfect for those cool days of Autumn~ Filled with creamy eggs, ham and cheese,
add a slice of tomato, hash browns,just a good old sit down breakfast with family~ Recipe can be found in my Kitchen Breakfast loaf recipe here

This recipe can also be found in ~Gooseberry's The Christmas Table Cookbook~ I was so thrilled that my Breakfast Loaf was featured in their cook book~

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I wish ~Autumn~ could stay Forever~

Beautiful Autumn Morning, LaMarr and I watched the deer feeding by the creek, we added a salt block by the creek so we could watch them from the back porch. The feed store was filled with mums, pumpkins and Indian corn, little chicks under warm lights, cute yellow balls of fluff. Getting ready for Autumn, adding scarecrows, here and there,
My little crows added to the back porch, Welcome..
These little crows makes me smile~Oh Beautiful Autumn I love you~
Another year is passing, thoughts of my sister today~ the sight of a simple June bug~ Memories flashed through my mind. A day long ago when we were 8 and 12 years old. Walking down a dirt road, picking blackberries, the June bugs all shiny backs eating as many blackberries as we were, My brother would tie string on the legs and hold them like a kite. My sister and I would beg him to stop..the June Bugs would fly till a leg would break off. We would smack him and cry. He would laugh and say we were "Just Girls". My sister an Brother are both gone now. I pray they are chasing June Bugs In Heaven~ Yes, another season is passing~
I know the laughter and the pain
Of times that will not come again.
-- Sara Teasdale

Memories are sometimes all we have left of someone we hold dear~
My sister and I spent many days,in the woods by grandpas house, I remember that old swing like it was yesterday.

Made of an old barn board,the rope frayed with age, where our feet had pushed off-the ground was rubbed and deeply grooved.
We would fly through the air laughter and screams of joy filled the woods, once Mary pushed me so far..I fell from the swing mid air..I hit the hard packed dirt with a thud,my heart felt like it had stopped.
Breathless I lay their it seemed forever, all the time Mary was crying ..saying "I killed my sissy"..

Finally I opened my eyes, she jumped back saying,"Thats not funny" I'll telling mama~
We never told mama then~
Years later we sat on mama's front porch,,and told mama~~
After school we would all meet there,play hide and seek~

The woods were our playground, homemade swing-and all~

In the woods we return to reason and faith. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everything remembered is dear, touching and precious. The past
is safe, though we didn't know it at the time.
Remembering my "sissy Mary~ September.2.1943-January,19.2012

~Forever in my Heart~~

Nights of storm, days of mist, sad days when the sun shone in vain; old griefs and griefs not yet begun. -- Edward Thomas

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Autumn Wildflowers~

Beautiful Autumn..dew drenched, sun dappled early mornings .. their is a freshness in autumn~
I love to ride my golf cart early in the mornings, when the world is just awakening, quietness,I sit and watch as the critters/birds forage for food.
Their is a saying .~The Autumn of your Life~~
I feel I am living the autumn of my life, the children all grown settled in their lives, LaMarr and I at ease after all the years struggling to make ends meet~ A good marriage,to my soul mate~
As the autumn of our life begins.I want to live each day to the fullest,enjoy the little things that surround us daily. Nature, family,home,and my cats,are my life's joy~
I took my little crow for a ride..smiling..
The animals have gotten used to me being in their world, this morning the wildflowers in the pasture was bursting with autumn colors.

the wildflowers make such pretty wreaths..
Nature is good for the soul....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Porch Gatherings~

A simple pot of colored peppers. Autumn a time for new beginnings..the most beautiful season I am walking I find small treasures, to add to my porches,
Abandoned bird nests,I gather and snuggle near a bird house sitting on the porch, next year the nests will be added to baskets sitting on the porch, will be recycled by the birds into new homes. watching from the window, the birds gather the twigs for new homes in the Spring.. such a wonderful site to see.
A Autumn wreath.dried gourds,orange pumpkins added to a porch swing to welcome visitors. Old mason jars line with autumn leaves,add your favorite autumn scented candle.Just what you need for those cool evening on the porch. found on Pinterest~ smile ~

~Happy Fall Ya'LL~