Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Madame Alexander Margaret Rose~

Madame Alexander Dolls has always been my cherished dolls to collect,
The Story of Madame Alexander Creator of Dolls Treasured By Collectors....
< Madame Alexander Dolls have been treasured by collectors and loved by children for as long as we all can remember. The story goes, by the turn of the century, when a little girl named Beatrice Alexander who, lived over her fathers doll hospital. It was the first doll hospital in the country. Dolls in those days were mostly made of porcelain and a doll hospital was in great demand. Many a child's heart was broken when her dear dolly's head was cracked. Very early in life, Beatrice understood the special bond between a little girl and her dolls. When World War I cut off the supply of Imported dolls, Beatrice Alexander began to create her own. In 1923, her husband, Phillip Behrman, encouraged her to go into business and the Madame Alexander Doll Company became an immediate success. From the beginning until now, more than 75 years, the dolls are under constant supervision entirely assembled, dressed, and finished by hand in the New York City factory and are considered the worlds most beautiful dolls. Mrs. Behrman was always known in the doll world as "Madame," for her old-world graciousness and her insistence on high standards of elegance and workmanship. Throughout the years Madame Alexander and her design staff always strived to achieve a standard of excellence that became an American tradition.Today my collection of Madame's dolls are over 500..I starting collecting in the 50's,today I cherish each little face.

1 comment:

  1. So pretty, I can see where the inspiration comes from for some of your beautiful doll graphics. =) I think my MIL had just one of these dolls.


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