Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Changes happen,Life goes on~

Good news,Sad News.. but positive~
We finally sold our other, it was a journey.
2 years on the market, we had many people wanting the place, but the banks were just not lending.

Of all people to buy the homestead was my mother's heart doctor.
Guess its true Doctors have all the money~ smile~
We closed Monday~ The house is no longer ours..

Sad that another family homestead is gone..we sold ours in 2006 to Wal Greens..
The 1st. thing they did was bulldoze the 152 year old house.
I cried for days.. we had no choice but sell.
NO privacy.
I love the house we live in now but it doesn't have the history that our old homestead had..LaMarr's family had owned the land before the house was built, the old victorian was 152 years old, nooks and crannies I just loved, the high ceilings were a little hard to heat in the winter, the old red cedar sun porch was my favorite place to sit.. well I guess I better get used to this new fangled house,smile~
We had purchased land many years ago 4 miles up the road, we built the place we live in now.

Lots of memories and history~
It does have its good points, the verandahs/porches are nice you can almost see forever on the top porch, I spend a lot of time here

I write in my jourmal while enjoying the wildlife, and they are unaware I am even there.
The old barn is has its own creatures, the barn owls, and our barn cats that love to nap there,
The meadows are abundent in wildflowers in the Spring

We have the same street name just a different number,the same phone,just a different place ~

Once a small town was now, becoming a Huge Place to build a business.
They were building all around us, across the street ACE hardware shoved, Barn Owl Farm Supples to the curb'

The drugstore in town was replaced with CVS,

The family Dr. we all had went to for years, was shutting down.
The Ooltewah Medical Clinic was the new place to go.

To this day I cannot walk in that Wal Greens.
It would be like walking on hallowed grounds.

Changes happen,Life goes on with or without our worldly possessions..
Main thing is: Family. Faith. Love~

1 comment:

  1. Bitter sweet isn't it. I can't believe it is that long since you moved from your old home. Time does fly by... I've never seen a picture of it.


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