Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Memories in the Trunk~

Sitting in the attic,looking through grannys old chests,letters held together with ribbons aged with time, post marked from far away places,
My grandfathers purple heart, a satin pillow with a "Love Poem" he choose for granny with love.
My grandfather "William" never came home from the war, his uniform,medals and the flag from his casket is all granny had of the love she thought would last a lifetime.
The old cedar chest smells of warm old cedar, dried roses and vintage perfume.
As I held grannys memories,I felt her soft hands on her treasures.
an old crochet basket with hand twisted flowers and buttons.
This table and chairs, I had forgotten about, I remember granny had this set for tea parties,there were matching cupboard and big table and chairs to match, it is in need of some loving care, which I will give it.

Over the years the other chair was lost.

I am tring to work my way to a iron day bed,I can see it,I have a long way to go to lay hands on. smile~
Plan to add the day bed to the top verandah,be great to sleep out this Autumn,listening to the creek,night creatures.

1 comment:

  1. How sad that your Grandfather never made it back home. I have some of my Dad's letters to my Mom from WWII. They are beautiful~ Wonderful that you have those treasures.


Hello there ~~Welcome~I hope you find within My Hope Chest a place to relax and enjoy yourself and calm your mind. . Do come talk to me a while, for strangers often make the best listeners. Enjoy, and remember to wander back here often Love and Blessings Tea~~