Saturday, August 6, 2011

400 miles of yard sales "Cookie Cutters"

Friday began the 400 mile yard/flea sale,of course I do not go the complete 400 miles.
I do enjoy the miles we do get to "Flea".
The roads are lined with so many great finds..
so hard to stop,but have to call a halt!
One good thing about it..go up one side till you are give out..(hope you don't get to loaded down with :finds: then go up the other side.
Today was so much fun,we stopped mid way,had ice cold lemonade,
and sweet funnel cake,was a nice day overcast not to hot,just
a day to spend it browsing.
My great find was "Cookie Cutters" $3.00..
I needed a few autumn cutters

I decided to "share" this collection of cookie cutters with my daughters,

I wanted to give the girls a cute gift bag with the cutters,

they can hang the bags,(I added a ragged tie) or just sit around,I embriodered cookies on a patch,made a little bag with the girls favorite colors,added the cutters ..

Now to stuff this little goodie in (A Box)
The boxes I add to all year long..
Christmas is the day I see them open each tissue wrapped gift
and "Hug It" now that is my "Gift" I receive in return..
A Gift of "Love" from the given and the

1 comment:

  1. I saw this on HGTV once and wished we lived close so we could join in the fun!


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