Monday, August 15, 2011

Re- Purposing an Old Sweater~

Making a old cable knit sweater into a cute bag or tote~
rummaging through my closet I found this old out of date cable knit sweater,this old sweater kept me warm many winter nights,
Don't you just hate to throw an "Old Faithful" away?
This old sweater is so soft and worn,the sleeves fall over the hands embraces you.

1st. cut aw, that didn't hurt too bad.
Cut the sweater on the seams down the sides.
Cut around the neck line, then the sleeves.
Cut on the seam of the sleeves, we will use this on the front and back of the bag to give it a little support.

I hand stitched the pieces together,the bottom I sewed across..inverted and sewed the corners to make the bag effect.
you could add some support in the bottom.
such as extra batting or fabric-to make the bag sit nice and snug.
On the top I folded down the sweater, hand stitched the top.gathering a tad as I stitched,(sweaters tend to stretch.)
I added tea stained silk roses an old vintage dresser piece to the front, ( here again its all up to your preference.)
I wanted a vintage look.

The bow is vintage scraps,the tassle adds to the vintage appeal.I Think~smile~
The little green velvet bag peeking out is a hand stitched stork scissors holder
I made from a vintage out of date dress, hand stitched the design on front added a tiny seed pearl clasp.

I am really thinking of making these sweater bags in to totes..on the hunt for some autumn and winter sweaters at those resale shoppes and yard sales.

Imagination comes from within, we all learn from each other,sharing is one the best things in life..I hope you create your hearts desire~


  1. Amazing, Tea :) I would have never thought to do something like that with an old sweater. I enjoyed my visit. Your blog is beautiful. ((hugs))


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