Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Vintage Pattern Dressmaker

I am so loving this project, these old vintage patterns can usually be found in resale shops fairly cheap, my favorite thrift store always has box crammed full for 5 cents each...I added 20 more patterns to my stash, can never have too many patterns, always a project in the works, as you can see I have been working on this project for a couple of days.
You can see the dressmaker taking shape, in my other post here in my blog.
I used 3 patterns layered on, 1 and 1/2 bottle of mod podge, and of course the dressmaker, thrift store find for $10.00
This vintage treasure will be a pretty display in my sewing room, for a project I am working on, for my lace collars, jewelry. Just something to give me a "Boost" to create from the heart~,
Perfect to display beading~~
This old lightweight plastic dressmaker I found at the resale shop for $10.00.
it is too lightweight to be usable, I tightened up the measurements added a huge bag of (clean) kitty litter to the bottom of the dressmaker for weight.. taped in real good..then taped the bottom it has some weight to tipping over...
I started on the 1st. layer of adding the patterns, seems like I will need to actually add the outher pattern to the dressmaker to cover the grey, It is bleeding through the pattern. this ugly dressmaker will be covered in vintage patterns like the boot I decoupaged..
adding vintage trims, buttons..
It is not even finished yet and I am adding "trinkets" to it..
The dressmaker is shaping up nicely, so far I have used 3 vintage patterns,almost a bottle of hodge podge,
Very satisfied with the results,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! What an amazing transformation!! I love pattern pieces on anything :D


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