I love the windows that go all the way to the floor,,gives you such a beautiful view of the mountains and the landscape.watch nature without interrurpting them,,
Sitting here thinking..my mind wanders back to the old farm,,Mary and I used to love weekends and summertimes..
We could go to the farm.Uncle Ed and Aunt Hazel never had any children,,they gave so much love to us..
We would ride on that big old tractor...go to feed stores where the barrels were filled with seeds..flours,feed..wonderful smells..little ducks and yellow chickens in fenced cages. for sale.
Feed stores are wonderful places to explore..
Uncle Ed owned a big farm w/chickens,corn fields..you could walk forever on that farm.I love the land..beleive if you own land thats all you need,
Mary and I spent many summers on that farm..day dreaming amid the wild violets..she could make a friendship braclet so pretty from those violets..I never could make one stay together..but marys would stay forever.. I wish I had kept just one of those braclets..
we would sit for hours by the creek..have lunch..sleep,,explore.while uncle Ed.worked..
My sis Angie..is always asking me.."How do you stay on that tractor so much" all you do is mow..well I love to mow..the mind can wander..breathe in good country air..God's sunshine..pure sweet vitaimins..
I don't beleive I will ever see mary again..she lives in north carolina..and is home bound.too many years of smoking,I could never understand why she decided to smoke..such a nasty habit..
But now she has copd..no longer able to work in her garden,,or shop..sad,
Knowing she will be creamated upon her death...hard to think about.
Tuesday we had a cow to get run over..a pickup hit her on the road..the fence needs to be repaired..broke both her back legs..we all know where she goes now..
The truck never stopped..sad that someone would run over an animal..and not stop..
The cats are all curled up in balls..warm and snuggly..getting older they are all sisters except for maudie...16 years old..do not even want to think someday I will lose them,,they are my babies...
Lunch today was plain old good..wild rice soup and blackberry tea..wish you were here smile~~
"Memories".my life is like a window pane..I have come full circle my life is content~~ Tea~
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