Tea's Hope Chest

Monday, April 18, 2011

Vintage Dolly Mary

1960 vintage dolly I found at a yard sale,she was laying naked under a tree
she was in pretty bad shape.I gave $3.00 for her. Took her home, bathe and ,set her hair,.
Went on line and searched for a vintage bride doll dress.She reminded me of a bride doll I had when I was about 6  years old.
She is a treasure to me..Mary is named after my sister,she reminded me of Mary~

I remember we had a bride doll like this one when we were growing up.wish I had kept that doll.
Collector of dolls today, I often wonder how I misplaced my childhood friends, "looking back I realize I was somewhat of a tom boy,
How the years have changed..those were the good times for Mary and I~
We live in different worlds now, we lost touch,the years passed,sadly I know in my heart we will never see each other again~

Shadow Box

A Resale shoppe treasure,I found today,Shadow Box with tiny high heels,hat box with hat stand and hat,umbrella tiny purse hanging on all and a oval vintage framed print.

The treasure cost me $1.00.smile~

Friday, April 15, 2011

Find an Age

Find an age and stick with it smile~

Glamour Girl

I love the era "Glamour Girl"
The pinks,greens ,The little black dress with pumps.
Some if the treasures I have collected of this era.smile~

Dance with me

This beautiful dance with me figurine  was left to me along with many
other treasures,upon my mil's death.
She collected many beautiful things over the years,
I am so lucky she thought of me.