Tea's Hope Chest

Monday, June 29, 2015

Echoes of Time~

The steeple stands so proud
The echoes are still there When I listen very close I hear singing in the choir And preaching was a plenty The Sabbath was its day That old altar was the key Most humbly they did pray Those old weathered boards Oh what stories to be told The congregation was all there And the bell chimes were gold They came from far and near Parked under trees with shade In the dirt where they sat Many wagon tracks were made The mules were so content As they grazed on green grass Slightly peaking their ears When a big Amen was passed Plenty of shouting and rejoicing Still hangs in every crack No memories will ever be lost Nor echoes will it lack Such a big part of history And a grand, old Godly place It touched so many hearts With beauty, dignity and grace That old door is still open Just like it was before Calling, calling to someone Come on in there's still more Listen closely to each sermon There's many left to hear "Amazing Grace" still echoes Through the wooded path so clear © Susie Swanson, 2015 Published in my Book "Echoes Of Time" but the pic is not in it. In this ever changing world wouldn't it be nice to go back to this simple time.. We need God in our hearts more so today than ever before.

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Hello there ~~Welcome~I hope you find within My Hope Chest a place to relax and enjoy yourself and calm your mind. . Do come talk to me a while, for strangers often make the best listeners. Enjoy, and remember to wander back here often Love and Blessings Tea~~